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Mission statement
'Improve life chances and so become true citizens of the world.'

We have a shared vision with the Priory Multi Academy Trust as it resonates with our core values. Everything we do is clearly aligned to the values of the Priory Federation of Academies Trust.

Our Key Aspirations for the next 5 years are:
  • To provide an outstanding quality of education with a broad, balanced and progressive curriculum
  • All pupils to be successful in regards to their progress and attainment during their time at Huntingtower Academy in both their academic achievements and their personal development
  • To have an effective and highly respected Pastoral team working with the school and wider community
  • To develop successful collaborative relationships with other organisations for the benefit of the pupils, staff and parents
How this will be achieved will be:
  • An in-depth subject knowledge leading to teaching where high expectations of our learners and their independence and achievement is paramount
  • A broad and balanced curriculum which is well considered, engages, motivates and inspires learners and teachers
  • Collaboration with outstanding organisations and people
  • A focus on skills for life which provide pupils with the strategies to be successful throughout life