Huntingtower's own Olympics - a huge success

The children of Huntingtower getting a taste of Rio 2016
What an exciting day we had on Wednesday 13th July, our very own Huntingtower Olympic sports day. For the past couple of months our children have been learning about different countries and the Olympic Games, so for our Presentation of Learning we decided to run our sports days at Grantham Meres Athletics Stadium.
We had our very own Opening Ceremony for which our children designed flags, banners and accessories to represent their own class country followed by Mrs Kightley singing the National Anthem and our Rock Challenge performance. What a superb job they all did. Our day began with EYs and KS1 races while KS2 did fun games with Amy O'Sullivan from Inspire+. Our EYs and KS1 did a fantastic job, especially being in a different environment these children looked like they were having fun. It was great to see so many parents/carers supporting their child. We then swapped so it was time for the KS2 children to race and it was great to see so many races so competitive but yet fair and enjoyable to watch.
We had a great morning, the children were having lots of fun and lucky enough we were under cover for lunch when the clouds opened up and the rain just poured down. Unfortunately, this meant it was unsafe for us to start Team Sports on the field but with the help of my YAs and Jo and Gabby (volunteers) we soon put all our activities on the running track. We competed in 7 different stations each having equal time to earn as many points as possible in our Tower Teams. Stations included throwing, catching, kicking and even our new activity Wellie Wanging which seemed to be the most popular activity.
During the afternoon we also had a very special guest appearance from Sophie Allen. Sophie represented Great Britain in the Olympics and European championships and was also lucky enough to earn a silver medal during the 2012 time. She came round to support our children; it was lovely to see so many children interacting with Sophie.
We ended our day with the choir singing us beautiful songs that they had been practising while our Team Admin (Mrs White and Mrs Gudgeon) was adding up the team points.
So, for the Huntingtower Olympic themed sports day the results were as follows:
Crane came 1st with 2870 points followed by Dragon with 2792 then Eiffel with 2575 points and Galata finishing with 2462 points.
Watch some of the highlights here!