Remembrance Day

Our Class Zebra and Lions children led a wonderful act of remembrance this morning
Our Year 6 children held a wonderfully respectful and moving armistice celebration today. They talked about the sadness of war but Megan commented how out of sadness can come hope. The children of Huntingtower will carry the hope of our generation into other generations so it was wonderful to know how strongly they felt about the act of remembrance. Mackenzie explained that the act of silence can be awkward but it does help us to remember and sometimes feeling awkward is important. Some of our children had written poems which they read out. We made a short video of them.
For lunch we invited some residents of Brick Kiln Place to come and have lunch with us. Tom and Bill came down and shared memories with some of our children of their involvement in the war. Tom was a wireless operator reading Morse code on naval vessels and took the actual message from the leaders of the allied forces to say the Japanese had surrendered! Bill was in the RAF Regiment and posted all over the Middle East. Amazing for the children to hear of their exploits!