Desert Island Books!

The focus for assembly this week ia about pre-judging things
There is a programme on Radio 4 which is called Desert Island Disks. The idea is that a celebrity has been stranded on an island and the only things they can have is a single luxury and a eight records. We tried a similar theme this week but considered books.
Mr Anderson thought about some of his favourite books and shared them with the children. One of his favourites was "The Sheep Pig" which was made into the film "Babe". This is about a pig that herds sheep! However, it approaches the topic of prejudice and the children explored what this meant. They considered how they may have pre-judged others and how they may have been pre-judged themselves.
If you would like to know more then have a look at the document on this page and if you want to listen to the radio programme then click on the link.