Staffing Changes
Exciting news for Miss Yvonne Eldred – she is moving onto pastures new! She has recently secured a teaching post in Oxfordshire and will be starting at her new school in September. Miss Eldred has been working at Huntingtower School for over 20 years and during this time has given much energy and caring to so many children. We thank her for all her hard work and wish her every happiness in her new job.
Mrs Emma Jacklin will be joining the Early Years team in Class Koalas and Mrs Donna Kightley will be moving up to teach our Year 1 children in a newly named class Pandas!
We have this week appointed Mr Sam Hill to our Year 3/4 team and he will be taking up class responsibility in September. Welcome aboard Mr Hill!
Exciting news for Miss Yvonne Eldred – she is moving onto pastures new! She has recently secured a teaching post in Oxfordshire and will be starting at her new school in September. Miss Eldred has been working at Huntingtower School for over 20 years and during this time has given much energy and caring to so many children. We thank her for all her hard work and wish her every happiness in her new job.
Mrs Emma Jacklin will be joining the Early Years team in Class Koalas and Mrs Donna Kightley will be moving up to teach our Year 1 children in a newly named class Pandas!
We have this week appointed Mr Sam Hill to our Year 3/4 team and he will be taking up class responsibility in September. Welcome aboard Mr Hill!