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Years 3/4 have been so busy since our two weeks off! We all had a great time on our Tudor day when everyone came in Tudor outfits - even the teachers! It was such fun. When lunchtime came we had vegetable soup, chicken drumsticks and rice pudding, but I did not like it so I don't think I'll have it again! It was really interesting learning about how Tudors dressed and how they walked.  Some of us were rich Tudors and some of us were poor but we were all mixed up.  Lots of boys came as Henry VIII!                                   Amelia J

Years 3/4 have been so busy since our two weeks off! We all had a great time on our Tudor day when everyone came in Tudor outfits - even the teachers! It was such fun. When lunchtime came we had vegetable soup, chicken drumsticks and rice pudding, but I did not like it so I don't think I'll have it again! It was really interesting learning about how Tudors dressed and how they walked.  Some of us were rich Tudors and some of us were poor but we were all mixed up.  Lots of boys came as Henry VIII!                                   Amelia J