Easy Fundraising Account is Live
Next time you're shopping online, why not raise funds for the school at the same time by using easyfundraising.org.uk
Easy fundraising is a free service that allows people to shop directly at their favourite store via the links on the easyfundraising.org.uk website and earn a cash back donation to their school cause once a purchase is made. Donated earnings can be anywhere up to 15%, depending on the retailer and the product that was purchased. There are thousands of stores that are already participating with leading high street brands such as Amazon, WH Smith, M&S etc
Our unique easyfundraising URL is
This is the link for you to use when registering to support us. Please share with your friends and family.
Many of you will already be aware of this website, were you do the shopping and our children in school benefit!
Let’s go! Our easyfundraising account is now live and we are ready to start raising funds for
Huntingtower CP Academy - Grantham!
One of the newest yet simplest ways for parents, teachers, families and the local community to raise money for their school is through easy fundraising. Easy fundraising is an entirely free service that allows people to shop directly at their favourite store via the links on the easyfundraising.org.uk website and earn a cash back donation to their school cause once a purchase is made. Donated earnings can be anywhere up to 15%, depending on the retailer and the product that was purchased. There are thousands of stores that are already participating with leading high street brands such as Amazon, WH Smith, M&S etc making it one of the most effortless fundraising ideas for schools.
Start shopping online direct with the retailers through the links on the website and wait for the donations to build up. Better yet, some retailers make free donations just for switching to their services, participating in free trails or even simply registering on their website. Our unique easyfundraising URL is
This is the link for you to use when registering to support us.