Swimming Gala
On Wednesday, 20th March, a group of strong swimmers, ranging from Year 3 to Year 6, went to the Mere’s Leisure Centre to take part in the 2013 Swimming Gala. There were 20 races and there was a child from Huntingtower in every race. We came 5th overall out of the 8 schools taking part, so to everyone who went WELL DONE!! By Sheena – Class Lions
On Wednesday, 20th March, a group of strong swimmers, ranging from Year 3 to Year 6, went to the Mere’s Leisure Centre to take part in the 2013 Swimming Gala. There were 20 races and there was a child from Huntingtower in every race. We came 5th overall out of the 8 schools taking part, so to everyone who went WELL DONE!! By Sheena – Class Lions