The children of Y5/6 organise a superb Harvest Festival and raise nearly £170!
Our Harvest Festival service took place in school at 9.10am on Friday 1st October. The Reverend Sam Rowland officiated
alongside Mr Anderson. Thanks to all staff and pupils who helped organise this service. We truly appreciated their support through their generosity with the produce and money for the children to purchase them.
Regarding the sale we made a staggering £167.48 which will be going to Fareshare a charity which is supporting communities to relieve food poverty
· FareShare is a national UK charity supporting communities to relieve food poverty
· FareShare is at the centre of two of the most urgent issues that face the UK - food poverty and food waste
· The charity addresses these issues in three ways:
Providing quality food - surplus ‘fit for purpose’ product from the food and drink industry - to organisations working with disadvantaged people in the community
Providing training and education around the essential life skills of safe food preparation and nutrition, and warehouse employability training through FareShare’s Eat Well Live Well programme
Promoting the message that ‘No Good Food Should Be Wasted’
Our gardening club grew much of the produce themselves and, as you can see from the pictures, they were very successful. 
We were also very grateful to many of the parents and families who generously donated the produce they had either grown themselves or bought locally. Once again, a real demonstration of how the school is trying to promote the community.
Our next event is the Christmas Fayre on Friday 3rd December. Start saving up that bric-a-brac. Further information to follow regarding the Christmas Fayre.