Pupils raising money for Cancer Research
Can you help some of our children raise money for cancer research?
Four of us in Year 6, Katie Bevan, Georgia Baxter, Rowan Clark and Caitlin Nattrass, are raising money for Cancer Research, due to all those who have been or are still going through a tough time fighting cancer and supporting their families. We are doing this by participating in the Mere’s Leisure Centre’s event ‘Distance Night’ on 1st December 2012. Our aim is to swim 1000 metres and after we have all achieved that, many more. With all of our opinions put together, we have decided our name, Tower Girls. ‘Tower’ for Huntingtower, and ‘Girls’ simply because we are all girls! We would like to reach £80. If we were to raise this grand amount we would be determined to complete our self-set task! If you would like to sponsor us, please visit www.justgiving.com/towergirls
Thank you for your support!
By Tower Girls