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On Wednesday and Thursday of last week all of the Year 6s had the chance to go to the King’s School and experience some Year 7 science.  In the science lab, they were given experiments to carry out and Bunsen burners, test tubes and Copper Chloride.  Everyone had a really fun time and a great taste of Year 7 science.  Click on the link to see Georgia Baxter's full story.

On Wednesday and Thursday of last week all of the Year 6s had the chance to go to the King’s School and experience some Year 7 science.  After a brief walk to the school, we

were taken to a science laboratory where we talked about reversible and irreversible changes.  When we had finished, a booklet was handed out.  In this were tasks and experiments that we had to complete.  While doing this, we used a Bunsen burner, test tubes and a powdered chemical called Copper Chloride.  We also used day to day things such as water, candles and a plastic bottle!  Everyone had a really fun time and a great taste of Year 7 science.          Georgia Baxter